Monday, December 17, 2007

Translated : Hidu Taik Ayam Boleh Mengkhayalkan

‘High on chicken droppings’ claim not to be sniffed at

KUCHING: Can a person get high by sniffing chicken droppings? National Anti-Drug Agency Sarawak director Jasni Jubli intends to find out.

He will investigate a claim by federal Rural and Regional Development Deputy Minister Datuk Dr Tiki Lafe last month that some students in the state were sniffing chicken droppings to get high if they could not obtain glue.

“This is news to me but we will try to seek an answer and, if proven to be true, we will take preventive measures,” he said here yesterday.

Jasni said there was no legal provision to ban the sniffing of chicken droppings, just like in the case of glue. – Bernama


It were in the news in the yesteryears that sniffing cow shit could get you high, and yes it was true! Not that I tried it myself, but it happened in kampung-kampung (my kampung included). Maybe we're short of cows supply since korban is coming up, so the maybe drug-addicts resulted to sniffing chicken shit to get high..WTF..What is happening to my country?

This habit might not prevalent in big cities since we're not allowed to breed chicken and cows in our yards, but it proves that we Malaysians are creative in our own ways to get high..

Not good for tourism I guess. Those tourists staying in exchange programs in our kampungs may scared the shit out of us watching young kids congregating and bending around cow and chicken shit...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

6 days..and counting

I hope everything goes well for me...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ECER Speech by MB Kelantan (censored by RTM)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
"Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh (kamu) berlaku adil dan berbuat kebajikan, memberi kepada kaum kerabat, dan Allah melarang dari perbuatan keji, kemungkaran dan permusuhan. Dia memberi pengajaran kepadamu agar kamu dapat mengambil pelajaran." (Maksud Surah An Nahl: Ayat 90).

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan
Salam Sejahtera

Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan isteri;

Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Sri Adnan bin Haji Yaakob
Menteri Besar Pahang;

Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Seri Haji Idris bin Jusoh
Menteri Besar Terengganu;

Yang Amat Berhormat
Dato' Haji Abdul Ghani Othman
Menteri Besar Johor;

YB Dato' Seri Mohd. Effendi Norwawi
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri;

Yang Berhormat
Menteri-Menteri Kabinet;

Yang Berhormat
Ahli-Ahli Parlimen Serta Ahli-Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri;

Pegawai-Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan Persekutuan Dan Kerajaan-Kerajaan Negeri;

Dif-Dif Kehormat;

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian,

Alhamdulillah. Dengan seizin Allah S.W.T., sekali lagi kita dapat menghirup udara nyaman pada hari ini.

Ini menandakan betapa kita masih terus dilimpahi nikmat dengan rahmat dan inayah dari-Nya untuk sama-sama menyaksikan pelancaran Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur bagi Negeri Kelantan.

Sesungguhnya pelancaran ini boleh dijadikan titik tolak ujian keikhlasan kedua-dua belah pihak dalam berkongsi anugerah Allah S.W.T. yang dilimpahi-Nya kepada kita semua baik di Kelantan atau negara Malaysia pada amnya yang sama-sama kita kasihi selama ini.

Bahkan, ia adalah detik bersejarah yang mengesahkan lagi penerusan wujudnya jalinan kerjasama akrab sekian lama khususnya sejak 17 tahun negeri ini diperintah oleh Kerajaan Negeri yang ada pada hari ini.

Tanpa pertukaran apa-apa, pelan yang bakal dilancar dan dilaksanakan nanti tidak memerlukan apa-apa perubahan nakhoda.

Kapal boleh berlayar dengan matlamat yang tidak berganjak yakni memakmurkan bumi Allah dengan segala ikhtiar yang tidak menyalahi syariat Ilahi.

Dalam semangat ini, mewakili Kerajaan dan rakyat Negeri Kelantan, izinkan saya mengalu-alukan kedatangan YAB Dato' Seri Perdana Menteri.

YAB Dato’ Seri dan sidang hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,

Tugas pemimpin laksana dasar Allah

Ayat Al-Quran yang baru saya baca dalam muqadimmah tadi biasanya dibaca di atas mimbar Jumaat, saya membacanya pada hari ini di atas mimbar masyarakat.

Di rumah Allah kita menjadi imam dan makmum, manakala di luar rumah Allah kita disebut pemimpin dan rakyat.

Orangnya masih sama. Khutbah dalam masjid menerangkan dasar-dasar Allah manakala ucapan di luar masjid adalah untuk melaksanakan dasar-dasar Allah.

Setelah 17 tahun saya diamanahkan untuk memimpin Kerajaan Kelantan dengan dasar Al-Quran Nul Karim sebagai Kalamullah, termasuk ayat yang saya baca sekejap tadi, petang ini saya dan Kerajaan saya seakan-akan terasa akan adanya perubahan baru.

Saya sedang berada di sebuah pentas buat pertama kalinya dengan pemimpin negara.

Alangkah manisnya hidup kiranya insan yang sengaja diciptakan Allah Azzawajalla dengan berlainan watak dan kerenah ini boleh patuh kepada ketetapan azali sejak Nabi Adam alaihissalam lagi.

Firman Allah S.W.T. ada membawa maksud berbunyi "Dan Kami berfirman: turunlah kamu! Sebahagian kamu menjadi musuh bagi yang lain, dan bagi kamu ada tempat kediaman di bumi, dan kesenangan hidup sampai waktu yang ditentukan. Kemudian (Adam dan Hawa) menerima beberapa kalimat dari Tuhannya, maka Allah menerima taubatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang. Kami berfirman: "turunlah kamu semua dari Syurga itu! Kemudian jika datang petunjukKu kepadamu, maka barang siapa yang mengikuti petunjukKu, nescaya tidak ada kekhuatiran atas mereka, dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati." (Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 36 - 38).

Mudah-mudahan langkah penyatuan pentas ini akan memulakan jalur-jalur gemilang yang sungguh-sungguh sebagai ganti kepada jalur-jalur hitam selama 17 tahun sebelum ini.

YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin sekalian,

Saya sempat juga mengikuti senarai projek-projek raksasa yang ada terkandung di dalam pelan induk yang disebut-sebut akan menelan perbelanjaan berjumlah RM112 bilion ini.

Antara lain ia akan memuatkan sebuah Universiti yang telah beberapa kali dilancarkan, Lebuh Raya Pantai Timur, Jeti di Tok Bali dan usaha untuk menaikkan taraf Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra sebagai pusat penerbangan untuk rantau Asia Tenggara, termasuklah keinginan yang kuat untuk memunculkan satu kelas perdagangan dan perindustrian bumiputera.

Alhamdulillah, semua cadangan ini telah lama dikenalpasti dan menjadi sebahagian dari Pelan Jangka Panjang Pembangunan Strategik Negeri Kelantan yang telah kami dokumenkan dan tandatangani sejak 2 Mei 2000; kira-kira 7 tahun yang lalu.

Bahkan memahami pembahagian dan pengkhususan bidang kuasa antara Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri melalui 2 rancangan lima tahun yang telah kita lalui.

Projek-projek cadangan ini telah dikemukakan kepentingannya untuk diberikan perhatian Pusat dari masa ke semasa.

Mungkin kerana kesuntukan kewangan, ia tidak diberikan perhatian.

Kali ini Kerajaan Negeri wajar berterima kasih kepada Kerajaan Pusat kerana telah sudi mengiktiraf apa yang kami kenalpasti sebagai projek-projek mustahak selama ini dan akhirnya telah diberikan perhatian.

Pastikan pelan ECER realistik bukan hipokrasi

Menyentuh tentang peruntukan yang mencecah RM112 bilion untuk ECER, RM177 bilion lagi untuk Koridor Utara dan RM47.6 bilion lagi di Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar, rakyat menjadi sedikit kagum dengan jumlahnya.

Semakin hairan mereka apabila duit yang diisytiharkan ini boleh menjangkau Rancangan Malaysia ke 9, 10 dan boleh pergi sejauh RMK sebelas.

Apapun, jika duit ini memang ada dan tidak menjadi masalah, maka kita perlu mengucapkan sebesar-besar syukur. Alhamdulillah, syabas.

Dalam banyak buku ilmiah, saya ada juga terbaca bahawa sesuatu pelan yang berkesan ialah pelan yang dapat diterima tanpa curiga oleh kumpulan sasar.

Ciri pelan yang berjaya juga ialah pelan yang dapat dilaksanakan.

Biasanya pelan pembangunan yang baik harus bertolak dan bermula dari bacaan mengenai senario ekonomi dunia semasa yang teliti berasaskan unjuran yang tepat mengenai turun naik harga petrol, emas dan lain-lain komoditi yang utama.

Realiti dan waqi' persekitaran yang berubah ini biasanya akan menentukan pula angkubah-angkubah yang memungkinkan sebuah pelan yang realistik itu dapat diisytiharkan.

Saya berandaian, semua aspek ini telah diambil kira dalam segenap segi sehingga ia tidak menjadi sebuah impian dan bukan sekadar 'satu lagi pelan'. Sememangnya indah untuk berada sekadar di alam mimpi kerana ia mengasyikkan:

Anak Cina memetik selasih
Anyam rotan dibuat timba
Tiada yang indah dalam berkasih
Mimpikan bulan jatuh ke riba

Dalam banyak hal, apa yang mustahak ialah pelan yang dapat menghasilkan kenyataan.

Siapalah yang tidak bergembira untuk mendengar janji yang akan datang dalam ratusan bilion ringgit.

Ini lebih-lebih lagilah apabila janji itu dipenuhi.

Sudah banyak kita saksikan betapa janji yang indah kadang-kadang boleh menjadi musuh besar apabila ia gagal dipenuhi. Kebocoran, siling runtuh, rasuah dan pecah amanah, inflasi dan hipokrasi adalah antara musuh-musuh bersama yang boleh menghambat cita-cita murni.

Emas hitam anugerah Allah yang dipinggirkan dalam ECER

YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin sekalian,

Walaupun cadangan pendaratan gas dan minyak di pesisir pantai kita masih tidak diberi perhatian dalam ECER, saya masihlah memandang kepentingannya sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat mendesak.

Pada kami, ia sepatutnya diletakkan sebagai paksi asas dalam menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri.

Seperti yang telah dikenalpasti oleh Kerajaan Negeri sejak 10 tahun lalu, kami masih merayu agar gas dan minyak didaratkan di Pantai Senok.

Bukan senang deposit emas hitam ini boleh terbentuk.

Dengan penuh susah payah Allah S.W.T. telah ratusan jutaan tahun memeram, mengatur dan memprosesnya secara sebab musabab jauh di kerak bumi.

Dengan segala percaturan kimia melalui mendapan humus, fosil dan tindak balas haba di perut bumi, Allah S.W.T. telah dengan segala ehsan menyimpan lalu menganugerahkan bumi Kelantan dan laut Kelantan dengan bahan semahal ini.

Mensia-siakan nikmat namanya apabila ia seolah-olah dibuat-buat 'terlepas pandang' dan tidak ditimbangkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam pelan induk pembangunan Wilayah yang sebesar dan sepenting ini.

Setakat ini, kami hanya berputih mata melihat khazanah bumi kami dipunggah dan dihirup sepuas-puas oleh golongan amir politik tanpa didaratkan di pantai Kelantan sendiri walaupun sesudu teh.

Dalam feqah Islam, telah lama ditulis "hukmul fa il wal khu roji wa rriqaz".

Bahkan zakat yang dipungut daripada sesebuah perkampungan tidak boleh dipindah zakat itu ke tempat lain kecuali terlebih dahulu diagih-agihkan kepada al mustahiqiin tempatan.

Ini adalah hukum Allah dan Rasul. Tak disempurna di dunia oleh pihak al-umara', ia akan disempurna juga oleh Allah S.W.T. di akhirat kelak.

"Sesungguhnya hari keputusan (hari kiamat) itu adalah waktu yang dijanjikan bagi mereka semuanya." (Surah Ad-Dukhaan: Ayat 40).

Untuk menyatakan komitmen Kerajaan Negeri terkini, kita telah meluluskan penubuhan sebuah jeti penghantar (supply base) di Pengkalan Kubur, Tumpat, khusus untuk sokongan kerja penggerudian minyak dan gas di Joint Development Area (JDA) dengan Thailand dan Vietnam, di luar pesisir pantai Kelantan.

Kerja pembinaan Jeti tersebut mulai Oktober ini dan ianya akan menjadi pemangkin kepada satu industri yang dapat mengembangkan ekonomi negeri dan membuka peluang pekerjaan.

Dalam keadaan-keadaan yang seperti inilah, relevannya kita mengetepikan sentimen politik bersifat kepartian.

Tidakkah boleh kita menjadikan maudhu' ini sebagai perkara bersama untuk dikongsikan secara pintar bagi tujuan yang sama.

Saya masih ingat betapa murninya ketika KUB menandatangani persefahaman ini bagi pihak Pusat dizaman Tun Dr. Mahathir pada tahun 1996 dahulu.

Ini kekal terlipat dalam sejarah; kisah benar sebuah 'pelan indah' yang tidak menjadi hingga sampai ke hari ini.

Pembinaan modal insan tidak berjaya kecuali dengan tarbiyah Islam

YAB Dato' Seri dan sidang hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.

Dalam hubungan Kelantan yang telah dikenalpasti sebagai Pusat Pembangunan Modal Insan berteraskan ilmu pula, saya bermohonlah untuk memberikan sedikit peringatan.

Mustahil insan itu boleh dibina tanpa agama. Ilmu Al-Quran mengajar kita tentang adanya dua perkara dalam setiap insan itu yakni jasad dan roh.

Membina roh insan adalah memberi faham kepada mereka tentang dosa dan pahala, adanya taat dan maksiat, adanya malaikat dan adanya iblis, adanya hisab dan adanya hari pembalasan, adanya Syurga dan adanya Neraka.

Ini soal asas yang tiada khilaf. Ini konsep tarbiyyah bawaan Nabi-Nabi dan Rasul-Rasul alaihissalam serta para tabi'in dan wali-wali zaman berzaman.

Jika Kelantan mahu diiktiraf sebagai pangkalan terpenting modal insan, maka kita jangan abaikan aspek pembinaan roh.

Elemen rasuah, dedah, dadah, belasah dan menolak hukum Allah adalah manifestasi kekacauan fikrah.

Betapa kacau bilaunya acuan dan tertib tarbiyyah kita yang telah dirangka oleh negara selama ini.

Ikut cara kami bangunkan negara bersama Islam

Untuk itu, mari kita cuba menjadi lebih ikhlas dengan cuba sama-sama memperbetulkan keadaan, memikul amanah agama demi memulihkan manusia untuk kembali kepada nilai-nilai fitrah keinsanan sejati selaras dengan prinsip asal 'ubudiyyah' sejak asal kita semua dijadikan.

Bagi kami di Kelantan, kita telah lama mengisytiharkan konsep 'Membangun Bersama Islam', berasaskan dakwah bil hikmah wal mauizotul hasanah.

Dalam rangka konsep ini, kami memuatkan prinsip ubudiyyah yakni semua orang wajib kembali kepada pengabdian yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada Allah S.W.T.

Bagi mereka yang belum Islam, mereka diajak untuk hidup dalam kesedaran ketuhanan.

Kami juga memuatkan prinsip mas'uliyyah yakni bekerja dengan penuh sedar bahawa setiap manusia tanpa mengira pangkat, bangsa dan budaya akan disoal jawab oleh Allah Taala sendiri tanpa sebarang jurubahasa.

Manakala Itqan yakni bekerja dengan penuh berkualiti untuk menghasilkan apa sahaja nilai amalan dan aktiviti dari jenis yang terbaik.

Seluruh sekolah milik Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan telah dan sedang merangka dan melaksanakan kurikulum dan kokurikulum untuk menggunakan ruang lingkup kesedaran yang keseluruhannya berteraskan ketaqwaan kepada Allah Robbuljalil.

Dalam semangat pesan memesan (Watawa soubilhaq watawa soubissobr), alangkah tepatnya jika pelan pembinaan insan yang termuat dalam ECER ini mampu dengan jujur membuat pengisian-pengisian yang semurni ini.

Jika tidak, percayalah walau secemerlang manapun pelan pembinaan insan kita, tanpa agama, rakyat akan hidup sebagai insan yang bermentalitikan haiwan kerana dia cuma takutkan polis dan BPR, undang-undang, tali gantung dan peraturan dan dia akan hidup dan mati dalam kekeliruan.

Di sana nanti dia akan terpinga-pinga dalam suasana yang salah menyalah "maka, berkatalah pengikut kepada pemimpin dan pemimpin kepada pengikutnya" sebagaimana yang telah dirakamkan di dalam Al-Quran Nul Karim. (Sila semak dan tadarrus sendiri maksud Surah Al-Baqarah dari Ayat 166 hingga 167).

Menyentuh tentang tumpuan pertanian yang khabarnya hanya akan diberikan tumpuan yang sangat minimum oleh Pelan Wilayah Timur ini, saya kira sekali lagi kami perlu membuat teguran.

Sejak dari dahulu, Kelantan dikenali sebagai negeri pertanian. Apa erti mengisytiharkan istilah-istilah seperti "halal hub" atau Jelapang Makanan Negara jika perhatian ke atas sektor ini sekadar bersifat batuk di tangga? Sekali lagi saya mengharapkan sesuatu yang lebih singnifikan dapat dilakukan ke arah pembetulan ini.

Mari bermuafakat elak ganggu Kelantan

YAB Dato' Seri, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian,

Sudah lebih 17 tahun kita menjalin hubungan kesetiakawanan dalam ikatan konsep persekutuan.

Setakat yang saya ingat, tidak pernah satu kalipun lagi terganggu sebarang projek yang diluluskan oleh Pusat di Kelantan baik kecil mahupun besar mengalami gangguan atau dihalang oleh Kerajaan Negeri.

Melalui permuafakatan dan rundingan, ia sentiasa disambut oleh kami dengan penuh keterbukaan.

Bagaimanapun beradablah ketika melangkah. Bukankah ini Wilayah Timur. Setiap rumah ada tuannya. Masuk berpintu. Keluar bertangga. Kadang-kadang, ya. Terasa juga.

Makan sirih berpinang tidak
Buah keranji atas perahu
Singgah tidak kenang pun tidak
Sampai hati buat tak tahu

Hanya inilah kali pertama saya diberi kesempatan untuk berucap di majlis yang dihadiri oleh YAB Dato' Seri Perdana Menteri. Apapun jua, syukurlah. Saya mengucapkan Alhamdulillah. Segala puji bagi Allah.

Sekali lagi saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah bertungkus lumus menjayakan majlis pelancaran ini.

Dengan nama Allah, saya sudahi dengan Wabillahi taufiq Wal hidayah. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


Monday, October 08, 2007

Listening to wives more curbs nagging, says expert

Wives in the world, rejoice! Your husbands will listen more after this :) To avoid more nagging that is

From The Star 8 October 2007

PETALING JAYA: If men listen more, wives will nag less and this is the recipe for happy marriages.

“Caught in the rat race, the problem with Malaysian men is that they do not spend enough time with the family, listening to their wives and children,” said psychologist Dr Leonard Yong

“Paying attention to the wife can reduce the level of nagging and result in good marital relationship. Good focused listening to the wife when she is troubled is the best way to resolve any misunderstanding in the family.

“That does not mean when your wife shouts at you to go away, you leave her in the house and go out. When she says go away, stand still and listen to her woes.

“Then get closer to her and, if she cries, embrace her,” Dr Yong told about 600 people attending his talk on developing openness to new ideas for enhancing creative thinking.

He was speaking at a seminar organised by the Malaysian Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM) at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

The solution to the problem of wives nagging, he said, is not to talk back but listen attentively to their woes.

“If a husband or boyfriend in another situation walks away when she shouts, that will not be a solution to the problem.

“Creative solutions to relationships come from being able to challenge yourself,” said Dr Yong, an educational psychologist who has also conducted personal training for the Saudi Arabian Cabinet.

He has taught for more than 20 years at Universiti Malaya and travels widely to talk about emotional excellence in the workplace.

“People with high emotional intelligence are often the most successful in their personal lives as well as in their careers,” he added.

MMLM president and Utar council chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, who opened the seminar, said Dr Yong would be one of the keynote speakers at the first Malaysian Festival of the Mind 2007, to be held for four days beginning Oct 25 at the Utar campus here.

“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will launch it and admission is free.

“There will be exhibitions, talks and demonstrations and free consultation provided by mind experts from all over the world,” Dr Ling added.

Friday, October 05, 2007

The Danger of Sisters In Islam

Whenever SIS speak, more often it become public outrage among Muslim in Malaysia. I wonder why certain Muslim (women and men included) still support this movement. If the leader herself do not have Islamic educational background, who is she to undermine Mufti's statement?

Isn't it bizzare that SIS were so angry with Mufti Perak when the latter mentioned about a quarter of million Malaysian Muslim denounce Islam? Shouldn't they be angry to those apostates?

Remember Amina Wadud, the women who lead MIXED Friday prayer in the USA? She is a prominent figure in SIS, thus it's not a surprise to see her actions are 'in-line' with SIS objective. What are they? These people want to have progressive Islam, the one that recognize women's right and role as equal citizens and partners in all matters, and that promotes the principles of equality, justice, dignity and democracy in Islam.

So they want to have all these. They already had female imam in friday prayer. What's next, female kadi? Wife can have 4 husbands? Can you imagine how messed up it could be to determine who the father is? While there are people still support this group, especially among young intellectuals, I would think they've grown up too fast. That's the problem, they grown up too fast they think they're smart enough. Life values and principal can't be learn in school kids, you'll learn it as you grow older.

Now, Islam has been perfected during Prophet Muhammad's time. It is an insult to Islam to suggest that Islam is not yet progressive since 1428 years ago and need to be revised to make it relevant in modern world.

Relate this to current world that we live in. Think of latest tragedy involving the murder and sexual assaults of the female children. Ask yourself, deep in your heart. If this beast is caught, what would you do? Most probably you want to do the same thing to this beast, beat him up, starve him and shove the brinjal and cucumber up in his ass, just like what he did to the girl right? That is the most justified punishment, you will agree. No matter what is your political belief.

That is my friend, already in the Quran. It's called Hudud. Oh, now you thinking of PAS eh? No no no, it's cruel. Cannot be done in this multi-racial country. Impossible. Non-muslims will not agree. See, the colonials already succeeded in planting this correlation in our brain. USA emphasized it even more with great support from certain people in our country. Islam = terrorist = cruel. It's good that we have Iran now...

Islam promotes preventive punishment. The punishment should be done in public, if possible telecast it live all over the world. When you see a rapist cum child killer being punished in public, all the potential rapist will think a million times before he/she wants to commit the crime. The same goes for bribe-takers, thieves, etc. Again, it is bizarre to see that most people who object the Islamic ruling is Muslim themselves...unless

My comment does not reflect my political belief as some UMNO members are more religious and honest than PAS members. There are PAS members who always went to ceramahs but do not even pray!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Parents can be charged

Not a good time Musa, Nazri, Shahrizat..No no no...Please put your brain to where it belongs please..Just because you people have bodyguards to take care of your kids 24/7, doesn't mean we're neglecting ours..Shame !

KUALA KANGSAR: Nurin Jazlin Jazimin’s parents could be hauled up for negligence following her abduction and murder – an offence punishable under Child Act 2001, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz.

However, there have been howls of protest over any such move, as there is no clear definition of negligence.

The law is still the law. We have to act ... no one can be exempted,” Nazri said after handing over RM100,000 worth of zakat (tithe) from Amanah Raya Bhd to the needy at the breaking of fast at Taman Kuala Kangsar on Saturday.

He was commenting on a statement by the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan that police would investigate if Nurin Jazlin’s parents had been negligent.

On Aug 20, eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin went missing and was later found dead in Petaling Jaya on Sept 17.

Her body was stuffed inside a sports bag which was left in the staircase of a shoplot in Taman Petaling Utama, Petaling Jaya.

A post-mortem report showed that the killer had sexually violated her.

Nazri, who is Padang Rengas MP, said he was deeply saddened by the tragedy.

“The killer must be brought to court and punished,” he said.

Under Section 33 of the Act, parents or guardians found guilty of leaving their child, can be fined a maximum of RM5,000 or jailed no more than two years or both.

Musa had said that while there was a provision under the law to charge negligent parents, it had never been invoked.

Members of the public, however, voiced their objection to any legal action against parents.

Some people interviewed said it would be impossible to keep tabs on children all the time, especially for those who had to go out to work.

They also wanted the authorities to clearly define the meaning of negligence to avoid parents being victimised.

Civil servant Nur Hidayat Shafie, 48, said she was against the proposal for fear of its negative effects on society.

“If parents are charged, what is going to happen to their children? To me, parents always do their level best in moulding and educating their children,” she said.

A private sector employee, Nor Apni Safri, 23, said parents should be given counselling and guidance rather than be dragged to court.

Friday, September 21, 2007


allahyarham adik Nurin Jazlin Jazimin

also dedicated to adik Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani and all children who shared this terrible fate

2:286 "God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear: in his favour shall be whatever good he does, and against him whatever evil he does. O our Sustainer! Take us not to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong! "O our Sustainer! Lay not upon us a burden such as Thou didst lay upon those who lived before us! O our Sustainer! Make us not bear burdens which we have no strength to bear! "And efface Thou our sins, and grant us forgiveness, and bestow Thy mercy upon us! Thou art our Lord Supreme: succor us, then, against people who deny the truth!"

Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday
Originally uploaded by swisscobalt.
Comot, Jasper and Amber was born on 21st August last year. That makes them one year old already..and they eat so much...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bukit Gantang crash tragedy: What will it take to stop carnage?


KUALA LUMPUR: As the nation reels from the worst road accident, the main question on everyone’s mind is: What will it take to stop the carnage on the roads?

The answer is already there, in the form of the recommendations made after every major accident.

Monday’s tragedy at Km229 of the North-South Expressway near Bukit Gantang, which claimed 20 lives and injured nine, has resulted in more recommendations being made.

But readers and industry sources say there is nothing wrong with the recommendations made earlier. They were spot on and workable. The question they ask is this: Why have the recommendations not been implemented?

If earlier recommendations had been implemented, would a bus driver with a string of traffic offences been allowed to drive? And would a 20-year-old bus be deemed roadworthy?

Last year alone, there were 6,400 fatalities and about 300,000 accidents. Out of that, 9,700 accidents and 39 fatalities involved buses.

Recommendations have been made over the years. And they continue to be made. But none of them, say industry sources, had addressed the main problem — the lack of enforcement. This has made the recommendations ineffective.

In the next few days, the authorities will try hard to come up with answers. Already, fingers are being pointed at the driver and the weak structure of the bus.

Today, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy will submit a working paper to the cabinet on more recommendations. He will also point out weaknesses in the current system.

This will include the Kejara demerit point system where points are only deducted when summonses are settled, the issue of poorly assembled buses, tightening of regulations involving bus drivers and improving operations of bus companies.

"If the cabinet agrees, the ministry will implement the recommendations," Chan said.

On Monday, he warned the relevant agencies to get cracking on the refresher course programme for drivers. The course is to help the ministry gauge the aptitude and the mental and physical state of bus and lorry drivers.

What was said after...

Kuala Lipis bus crash (2003): 14 killed, 26 injured
1. Recommendation: Send drivers for refresher course. Status: Not implemented.
2. Recommendation: Two drivers in each express bus. Status: Implemented but poorly monitored.
3. Recommendation: Punish bad drivers with higher insurance premiums. Status: Not implemented.
4. Recommendation: Drivers to undergo medical check-ups once every six months. Status: Implemented but carried out once a year due to high cost.
5. Recommendation: Suspend bus operator's permit if driver found to have caused an accident. Status: Partially implemented. Several bus drivers were suspended.
6. Recommendation: Drivers and passengers to fill in a report on the problems they faced. Status: Implemented for several months but discontinued.
7. Recommendation: Drivers not to drive for more than eight hours continuously. Status: Implemented but poorly monitored.
8. Recommendation: New guidelines for commercial vehicle drivers. Status: Implemented: Second driver introduced, drivers allowed maximum journey of eight hours and rest every two hours.

Nibong Tebal bus crash (July 2006): 11 killed, 35 injured on their way to St Anne's Feast
1. Recommendation: Drivers to undergo mandatory refresher courses once every three years. Status: Not implemented.
2. Recommendation: Special centres to be set up nationwide to train drivers. Status: Not done as refresher course programme was still pending.

Recommendations after the Bukit Gantang crash (Aug 13, 2007): 20 killed, 9 injured
1. Drivers to undergo mandatory refresher course.
2. Tighten rules for drivers and implement same checks as carried out on airline pilots.
3. Safety briefing for passengers before journey begins. Just like in planes.
4. Build railway tracks to connect more towns. Rail travel is safer.
5. All passengers to wear safety belts.
6. Drivers must be in good mental and physical health.
7. Drivers not to drive continuously for eight hours.
8. All highways and expressways to be lit up.
9. Improve quality of locally assembled buses.
10. Hiring more foreign drivers.

Discussion is now closed. Thank you for your participation. You have spoken and your views are greatly appreciated. Let's hope the authorities are reading this -

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Fixing Maxis bill view in Firefox

I can't view maxis bill when using maxis to solve it? Follow this steps

By Following step problem will solve...

Go to location, key in about:config

Then, key in security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_40_md5 under filter.

Change it from false to true.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nuri crashed...why? how?

Condolences to our soldiers' families for the tragedy.

I'm wondering:
1. Utusan quote "siasatan awal TUDM, nahas udara terbaru Nuri itu berpunca daripada faktor cuaca buruk"
- so, are those Sikorsky Nuri too 'cikai', they can only be used in bright and clear conditions only?
-Nuris were bought in 1968 and were used in Vietnam War by American soldiers..and we Malaysian Army still using in in 2007.

2. It took 5 days for the rescue team to found the bodies
- if the crash location that was near a highway took 5 days to be found, how long it takes if some other crash (god forbid) occured on remote place?
-is it possible that the victims were still alive when the chopper crashed?

3. Utusan quote DPM as saying "TUDM tidak boleh menghentikan terus penggunaan Nuri kerana ia adalah satu-satunya helikopter yang ada"
- if that so, we are so doomed. Our country defense system relied only on old Nuri for air transportation. What is going to happen if some large scale catastrophe hit our country (invasion by Singapore maybe?)

4. If our leader can have BlackHawk, Agusta, SuperPuma, why give our soldiers been given 'cikai' punya chopper?

5. Good news is, the Defense Ministry is going to replace them with newer chopper. Will take 2-3 years. In the meantime, we just wait and see how many crashes are going to come. Lets hope nobody will be bombed during the negotiation period...

p/s: I feel so yesterday when I watched "FUTURE WEAPONS" on National Geographic Channel...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Charity meme

Okay, this is the rule.
If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many person as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage". Then please copy and paste this rule somewhere in your entry.

The meme is about completing at least 17 out of the following 27 sentences........ *These can be copied and pasted to your entry*

1. A person is only as good as his/her heart
2. Friendship is always precious
3. To love is to appreciate what you have, while you have it before it's gone
4. Money makes me able to buy gadgets
5. I miss college life
7. I try to spread love and happiness by being nice to people i met
8. Pick the flowers when it's fully blossomed
9. To love someone is to accept him/her unconditionally
10. Beauty is overrated
13. I am most happy when I have enough sleep
14. Nothing makes me happier than being with my loved one, and my cats
15. If I can change one thing, I will change my self
16. If smiles were contagious then I would be the carrier
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get back to RM1.00/liter of petrol?
18. If you want to succeed then you have to work hard
19. Money is not everything but the THING
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is when someone touched me
21. I smile when I'm happy
22. When I am happy, I smile
24. The best thing I did yesterday was squeezing my cats
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"How To Make Yourself Useful To Others"
26. One thing I must do before I die is to prepare what is necessary
27. Doing this meme, I feel like going to lunch, because it's lunchtime bebeh!

Fazilla Farihas

‘Muslim’ Pencemar Islam

Dulu masa belajar pun selalu tengok pak-pak arab sembahyang sambil dukung anak kecik diorang. Masjid kita disini terpampang label ' Kanak-kanak yang belum bersunat sila ke saf belakang' (or something like that). Kenapa ye?

Posted By saifulislam On June 21, 2007 @ 12:03 am


Peserta IYEP membentangkan idea mereka tentang Conflict Solutions

[1] Inter-Civilizational Youth Engagement Program (IYEP) yang baru melabuhkan tirainya semalam, telah memberikan saya pelbagai suntikan idea tentang pelbagai perkara. Banyak yang perlu dianalisa, justeru banyak juga yang perlu ditulis untuk dikongsi bersama pembaca.

Rata-ratanya, saya amat berpuas hati dengan kualiti peserta. Setiap seorang yang memohon untuk menyertai program ini perlu menulis sebuah karangan untuk menyatakan sebab minatnya kepada program seperti ini, dan ia diikuti dengan temubual melalui telefon kepada peserta.

Nyata sekali, assessment itu telah berjaya memilih peserta yang tepat dan saya amat teruja dengan tahap pengetahuan anak-anak muda ini dengan pelbagai isu yang diperkatakan.

Hinggakan Karen Armstrong sendiri mendapat pelbagai ’bahan baru’ yang beliau mohon kebenaran peserta untuk menggunakannya di dalam ucapan dan penulisan. Sememangnya sesi soal jawab dan bengkel telah menonjolkan bahawa 50 warga IYEP kali ini adalah pemimpin masa depan yang hebat, semoga Allah memanjangkan umur saya untuk menyaksikannya.

Namun, keghairahan dan kegembiraan kami dengan pelbagai pengalaman baru, telah tercemar oleh suatu insiden yang amat memalukan, khususnya kepada Islam.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hunky customer triggers catfight

KUALA TERENGGANU: A man, who reportedly looked like a Bollywood actor, walked into a food court for a teh tarik and triggered a brawl among three women that left one woman scalded and another woman's T-shirt ripped open.

Several chairs and tables were damaged during the fight among the women at the outlet in Merega Beris in Kijal, Kemaman on Saturday.

The shocked man fled the scene.

It all began when the man walked in alone. Two women at two separate stalls immediately tried to get his attention and lure him over to their stalls.

When he stopped to speak with one of the women, her competitor, 21, became so incensed that she marched over to the woman, tore her T-shirt and accused her of being gatal and dressing seductively.

The other woman, 22, immediately grabbed a pan and splashed her attacker with hot water, scalding her.

The scalded woman's mother, 46, rushed to her daughter's aid, hurling chairs at her assailant, damaging tables and alarming the other customers, said state Deputy CID Chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa yesterday.

He said the scalded woman was now warded at the Kemaman Hospital.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Can you spot four babies?!

can you spot four babies?!
Originally uploaded by nanayau.
Image of kitties in Amber's belly

This is the first time I see a x ray result of a cat (eh, I thought pregnant ladies/cat cannot do xray..tak betul ke? )

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Amber is pregnant!

her own dad, Majinbu did her. Amber is the blue one. The white one is the daddy

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How to disable Internet button in K800i

I have a conspiracy theory (or maybe a good marketing strategy), that the internet button in Sony Ericsson K800i (also true for K610i and more) is located in such a convenient location so that you might accidentally pressed it while the phone is in your pocket.

Plus, data transfer is not cheap. With Maxis, 1kB = 1 cent. That's a lot of cents if you use the internet button everyday.

Here is the trick to save your cents, on how to disable the Internet button. You can change so it will display your cat picture instead.
1. Press Activity menu key. Go to Internet tab --> select Bookmarks
2. Create new bookmark. In address, put this : file:///card/image/cat.jpg or whatever picture you want to put it. OR file:///card/ .I did the latter, as it will go nowhere. Just a white spash screen and back to standy
3. Save --> Set as homepage
4. Done!

Note (thanks to altemyr of forum)
To access the file picture.gif in the Pictures folder on the memory stick, the address is:


Oth, if the file is located in the phone memory, the address is:


Notice the non-plural form of the folder names (image/picture)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gotta get this.. will be mine

Friday, May 25, 2007


Free Image Hosting at

I admired KJ's intelligence, but somehow I think he wants to be on top too fast. It happened to a lot of peope, if you going up too fast, you're going down hard.

Read this news, dated May 25, 2007 from Utusan. Does he has a portfolio in Ministry of Youth and Sports? Come on-lah, even Man Utd don't have the gut to play without AFC approval. The news in Utusan, sounds like a threat from KJ to AFC.Wow...

To think about this, the Asian Cup must've been planned in detail years before. So, It's a clash of schedule, right? Means that, the organizer of the MU tour did not collaborate with Malaysia Government/Ministry of Youth and Sports/FAM. Conclusion, the MU tour was planned later than Asian Cup.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

SMS Scam! Check your bill!

Sigh..this scam can go on forever...

As I read Jeff Ooi's ScreenShot blog today, this particular post really caught my attention as the exact same thing happened to me last year! Many users came up with copy of their phone bill, showing irregular (mostly exorbitant charges) transactions on SMS's received

Look to my previous post here, and you could learn a thing or two on how to safeguard your precious number. If you're lazy, remember this:


Friday, May 11, 2007

Throwing up in the act

Throwing up in the act
Originally uploaded by swisscobalt.
Went to Pulau Ketam (one of the island in Port Klang), the boat went nuts..I feed the fish. They must be thankful to me :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Share with us your 6 weird habits

Responding to nanayau...YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! kindly share with us your 6 weird habits. read my blog for
my own list of not-so-weird stuff.

  1. I would arrange money in the following order, 50-10-5-1 with Yang Dipertuan Agong's face at the same side
  2. I always buy books, but having hard time to finish reading 'em
  3. When I was a student, sleeping is my hobby. I could sleep 7-8 hours straight but now I always wake up latest by 7am every morning, weekend includes..Sleeping too much gives me headache..Am I getting old?
  4. Hmmm..apa lagi ek
  5. Takde apa dah rasanya
  6. Tu je lah

Friday, February 09, 2007


See how big these creatures are now? Have a look. They are even bigger than their mom!

Comot (not so comot anymore, eh?) This is Shrek's Pussy, blue version. Don't be fooled by this look

Ayu. Sombong as ever

Jasper. Has interest in playing with tapwater, just like his mother

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What would you do if....

1. You happen to live with a foul-mouthed house mate who is a lot younger than you, but a hell lot uncivilized?
2. You happen to share a house with a messy human who doesn't know how clean up the house?

Would you...
1. Tell that person to get out, advise him to get a suitable house mate that has same civilization?
2. Let the house be a junkyard?

1. To hell with him. Let he learn how to be a civilized human all by himself. He's a kid anyway..
2. Clean the house, be the maid.

What would you do?

Friday, January 12, 2007

In a nutshell...

It's been a while since I write in this blog. Lots of things coming now and then. These are several important stuff that happened to me in the past few months.

1. Broke my wrist during field work
2. I got engaged with my arm in cast
3. Ayu (the cat) spayed
4. Comot fell down from 3rd floor of my apartment last night. His face is swollen a bit. Hope he's fine...

more to come...when I feel like writing :)